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Creating Classes

Registering a class

  • After logging in, click on ‘Create new class’. You can now assign a name to the new class and enter it into the respective box.

  • The toggle box underneath ‘Patient count’ allows you to set the number of virtual patients that will be present in the A&E department at the beginning of the session.

  • Next, you can select the Diseases you want to include in the class. Diseases are subsumed under headings, e.g. ‘Cardiology’. If you click on the word itself or tick the box left to it, all diseases linked to that specialty will be included (see list on the right). You can manually deselect specific diseases you do not want to include. If you want to take a look at all available diseases first, you can do so by clicking in the specialty boxes but avoiding to click on the word itself (the mouse cursor changes to a hand once you are about to select all diseases within a specialty).

Class Scoring

  • Once you have selected all the diseases you would like to include, you can set the weightings in the Scoring algorithm.

  • By default, the same weight (i.e., ⅓) is assigned to the protocol (i.e. correct steps in the management of the patient), the correct diagnosis (either correct or false), and ‘never-events’ (i.e. the score is reduced if users take decisions that may harm a patient).

  • All percentages must add up to 100, and the Auto Adjust function (see bottom left) can help achieve this.

Finishing it off

  • The Config tab allows you to switch certain features on or off. A short description is given for each feature. Simply tick the boxes of all the features you wish to activate for this particular class.\

  • Once you are happy with all the settings you have made, click ‘Create’ and take a note of the code that is shown on the screen (click on the clipboard icon to copy directly to the cache).

  • This code is to be shared with all students invited to join that particular class. Registered students can use this code to access the class straight away. Clicking ‘Close’ takes you directly to the Review Class screen.